While markets such as mobile handsets have recently experienced significant disruption, the automotive industry has not seen fundamental change in recent decades. However, the accelerated rate rise of innovative technologies and materials in recent years are dramatically changing the sector. And can graphene be part of this new scenario?
Registered plug-in and battery-powered vehicles on roads worldwide rose 60 percent from the year before. A multi government program called the Electric Vehicle Initiative, launched last June, has set a goal for 30 % market share for battery power cars, trucks, vans and buses by 2030, according to IEA. The 10 governments in the initiative include China, U.K., U.S.A., Germany and France.
China remained the largest market in 2016 with more than 40% of the electric cars sold in the world. With more than 200 million electric two-wheelers and more than 300,000 electric buses, China is by far the global leader in the electrification of transport. China, the US and Europe made up the three main markets, totalling over 90% of all EVs sold around the world. In Norway, electric cars had a 29% market share last year, the highest globally, followed by the Netherlands with 6.4%, and Sweden with 3.4%. The electric car market is set to transition from early deployment to mass market adoption over the next decade or so. Between 9 and 20 million electric car could be commercialized in 2020, and between 40 and 70 million by 2025, according to recent estimates. Still, electric vehicles only made up 0.2% of total passenger light-duty vehicles in circulation in 2016.
Experts believe graphene will be a role player in the Automotive sector very soon, in fact graphene supercapacitors and batteries deployed in electric vehicles will contribute significantly to enhance the overall performance and efficiency of the vehicle and reduce power consumption, owing to superior heat resistance and enhanced recharging efficacy.
Unfortunately, not everything related to graphene are positive news. Still solving some issues as their instability and production cost, that do not allow to consider graphene as a commodity. But the tremendous possibilities of graphene battery market will disrupt the future of global battery industry, state experts.
Gnanomat is moving forward solving the graphene-derivates issues and developing a disruptive material to power the new graphene energy storage devices.